Shape and Bake – it’s finally here!
Fast forward to March of this year – the Shape and Bake is finished! Check it out below! (click the image to see a video)
Testimonials from Our Inventors
Oh…there’s more!
I have been working with Source Direct and Ed Mauro for over three (3) years. I am an inventor and patent attorney. Part of my association with Source Direct has been introducing many of my patent clients to Source Direct. All of them have contacted me after they worked with Source Direct and gave Source Direct great reviews. Source Direct has taken many of my clients from the inventor’s idea stage to delivering products that are ready to go in the showroom. In all of my years as an inventor and patent attorney Source Direct offers more to help an inventor than any other company I know. Source Direct has helped me develop five of my own products. They did a big part of the design work, marketing assistance and found manufacturers to supply the products. I was very happy with the products when they arrived. I will be happy to talk to anyone that has questions about Source Direct. My cell phone number is 757-615-3613. – William G. Sykes
Source Direct Inventor Meets Daymond John of SHARK TANK!
Congratulations, Karen! We’re happy to see your brand continue to grow! 🙂
Are you an inventor with a million-dollar idea? Ready to finally live your dreams of invention success? We can help. Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation with us – you can be like Karen too!
Call us today: 888-373-3876 x.213
A Video from Ed Mauro – Inventing Expert
Here’s a video from our founder, Ed Mauro. His expertise in the inventing industry can help YOU become a better inventor and get your product onto store shelves!
The Gotta Potty System is a complete digital dog and puppy potty training solution. It is designed to correct unwanted behavior and avoid messy accidents and property damage related to potty accidents from pets of any age. Gotta Potty. The most effective way to potty train your dog or puppy.
Once the product was ready to sell, we listed it on Amazon and it got some amazing reviews!