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Episode #7 – Source Direct Podcast


km_forblastEpisode 7: Shipping and Logistics for your Product!
In this episode of the Source Direct podcast, we speak with Krista Mauro – she’s responsible for shipping and logistics for all new inventions that come in from overseas and beyond. We divulge some very important information when it comes to fees, timetables, regulations, and more! This episode is NOT one to miss if you’re about to begin manufacturing of a product!


So, you want to license your product, eh?

We get phone calls from inventors every day – and about 60% of them say “well, I just want to license my idea. Will you buy it from me?” A majority of the time, we say no. There are a few reasons:

  1. Selling an idea isn’t as easy as it seems. Potential buyers aren’t interested in purchasing thoughts. They could hire teams of people to do that.
  2. Investors will not purchase something with no chance of return. Of course, as the inventor, you’ll have the thought process of “my product is the best”, but until an investor has seen the sales numbers, they won’t believe you.
  3. It’s difficult to license something without a prototype. Do you have a fully functioning prototype? The likeliness of an inventor selling some notes on a sheet of paper and a drawing to an investor is incredibly low.
  4. Has it been tested? Is there marketability? Will people buy this product? It’s difficult to tell unless your product has been soft-launched!

This short and sweet blog is intended to usher in some realism with new inventors. You probably won’t sell your idea unless it’s been introduced to the marketplace in some way. We suggest that you invest, yourself, into producing a small order of your product and then show investors the potential.

When you watch Shark Tank, you’ll hear the Sharks ask “how many of these have you sold so far?” Even they agree with us – buyers want to see previous milestones met before they license anything. We can help put you in the position to attract potential buyers down the road.

Interested in taking the next step? Email Nathan at today and let him know you found about us on our blog!

Podcast Episode #6 – All About Patents!

Tune in to the Source Direct podcast! Here’s our most recent episode:


Episode 6: All About Patents!

In this episode, we speak with Bruce Lev of RG Patent Consulting. As an inventor, patenting is the most important beginning step in the inventing process. Bruce fills us in on some tips and tricks to keep in mind as you start with your invention. Do you know the difference between a provisional and utility patent? Not knowing the difference could cost you thousands! Check out RG Patent Consulting through their website, or contact us for more information!

Patience in Inventing….is a virtue!

The inventing process does take a while. Most inventors are shocked to find out that their product may take months, if not years, to get to completion (and eventually the store shelves). There are many factors involved:

  • The complexity of the product – does it take extra engineering/design?
  • Changes – there will ALWAYS be changes to a final product’s design and function. During the production process, you (the inventor) may notice something that needs to be changed, or your invention support company may notice things that should be enhanced or fixed. Changes are inevitable.
  • Manufacturing Process – once the design and development is done, the product has to actually be manufactured.
  • Packaging and Shipping – upon completion of production, the product must be packaged and shipped to your fulfillment center.

It’s not an overnight thing! But, with proper marketing plans and sales strategies, the “waiting” time is incredibly valuable. You want to make sure your product is ready to be sold when it finally makes it to your warehouse! Be smart!

I Invented a Product…do I have to spend money?

Okay, so picture this: you just came up with the greatest idea ever. It solves a problem, is economical, and you’ve done testing to see if consumers will purchase this product on the market. That’s fantastic! Now, the next question that usually comes up is: will this cost me any money to make?

The answer is simple: yes, it will. Most inventors will go right into the development process with the mindset of “someone will just buy my idea and I’ll just get a percentage of the profits”. That is very rare and incredibly unlikely. There are many things to keep in mind:

  1. As an inventor (and the creator of this idea), it’s your responsibility to get this product to market, if you so choose.
  2. Work with reputable companies who can put your idea on paper, into the factories, and onto the store shelves.
  3. Have realistic goals set in place for the development of your product, and in the correct chronological order.

Licensing is something we hear about every day. “Just take my idea and send me money later.” Unfortunately, that’s not how this works! If that was the case, every inventor who ever lived would want to go this direction – it appears to be the easiest way. It may be easy, but it’s not probable.

To get high quality CADS, prototypes, samples, sourcing, manufacturing, and more – you’ll need to pay for it. It’s not uncommon. Just be careful when you do pay! Make sure the company you’re working with is not going to scam you.

Are you looking to move forward with an invention? Give us a call at 888-373-3876 extension 213 – speak to Nathan and mention this blog for a free product evaluation! 

The Source Direct Podcast is LIVE!

Podcasting has been around for a long time, and has become a phenomenon for experts in every industry imaginable. Well, we decided to jump on the podcast bandwagon and start our own! We tackle different inventing topics and bring in our staff to share their expertise. You won’t want to miss any episodes!


The Source Direct Podcast is a bi-weekly show about inventing – featuring advice from our industry experts here at Source Direct. You can subscribe to us on iTunes (click here to subscribe) or visit our website here.

Source Direct Product Spotlight – Poop-n-Scoop!

Spotlight On: Poop-n-Scoop

We assisted Kevin in creating the Poop-n-Scoop because it solved a problem. I’m sure you can figure out what the problem is already. Who enjoys picking up dog poop with their hands? The answer is NOBODY! Hear from Kevin below on why he invented this product:

A Note From the Inventor: This is how I came up with the idea for Poop-N-Scoop. You may have a similar story. You’re taking your dog for a walk, he or she does their business and you do the right thing by cleaning it up. Most of us will take a bag from our pocket and pick it up. This is where my story begins. The bag I used had a hole in it and much of the warm mush squeezed between my fingers. Needless to say – very disgusting. After rigorous cleaning, I set out to find a better way to clean up after my dog. Checking pet stores and online offerings, I found nothing suitable to take on walks. An idea came to me after looking at my wife’s grabber/reacher (she’s kind of short) I thought if I modified it by adding shovels, I could solve any issue. A tool that picks up poop cleanly with a bag, no more bending over, Folds in half for taking on walks, hands free clipping onto your belt and no more poop squished between my fingers. I use grocery style bags that are around my house, tool stays clean, on -and on – meeting all of my objectives! Plus, many more important reasons to clean up – we more or less have to in most areas we live – mostly environmental and some parts of our country you could pay a steep fine if you get caught not picking it up (where I live, over $200). Plus, very important, your neighbors will like you again!

Kevin Montgomery (Inventor)
Kevin Montgomery (Inventor)