What is Sourcing? Do I need it?

What is sourcing? Is it something you need to get your product onto the store shelves? The answer is simple: YES! 

Sourcing is one of the most important foundations your product is built around. It’s necessary to get your invention from the design phase or prototyping into mass production.

The purpose of Sourcing is to secure quality manufacturing and obtain deliverable cost information.

To gather this information, it’s not as easy as a Google search or a phone call. You must work with a reputable company to get the sourcing done. The information gathered while sourcing will help better the financial position of the inventor when it comes to mass production and keeping the costs down. The sourcing process is vital to the entire inventing process – lackadaisical sourcing can be the demise of your product and goals.

Once you have sourced your product successfully, you will know what your margins are and what your profit of sale could be! Need help with sourcing? Click here!

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