Testimonials from Our Inventors
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I have been working with Source Direct and Ed Mauro for over three (3) years. I am an inventor and patent attorney. Part of my association with Source Direct has been introducing many of my patent clients to Source Direct. All of them have contacted me after they worked with Source Direct and gave Source Direct great reviews. Source Direct has taken many of my clients from the inventor’s idea stage to delivering products that are ready to go in the showroom. In all of my years as an inventor and patent attorney Source Direct offers more to help an inventor than any other company I know. Source Direct has helped me develop five of my own products. They did a big part of the design work, marketing assistance and found manufacturers to supply the products. I was very happy with the products when they arrived. I will be happy to talk to anyone that has questions about Source Direct. My cell phone number is 757-615-3613. – William G. Sykes