Browse Tag: development

The Importance of Packaging

Next time you walk into a retail store, take a look at the products on the shelves. Typically, in most situations, the packaging is high quality and properly conveys the ideas of the product to the consumer. It’s absolutely vital to have packaging that is of the highest quality – it may be the deciding factor for the average, every-day customer.

Here are some examples of creative packaging for consumer products:

Festina Watches - To prove that the watch is water-proof!
Festina Watches – To prove that the watch is water-proof!
Pasta La Vista - Showing the pasta as "hair" on the chef! Cool!
Pasta La Vista – Showing the pasta as “hair” on the chef! Cool!
Beard Paintbrushes - a creative spin on a common product.
Mustache Paintbrushes – a creative spin on a common product.

To stand out in a competitive marketplace, you will want to have amazing packaging. What can you do, with your product, to enhance the initial reaction from the consumer? That’s for you to decide, and find out! Try doing some testing – this is important for all retail. Figure out what attracts your demographic of customer.

  • Don’t clutter your design.
  • Use fonts that are clear, and help convey the product purpose.
  • Understand the retailer’s method of presentation – can it be universally used in any retail setting?
  • Include everything you need to properly display the product and it’s function.

Your product success relies heavily on good packaging. Don’t prevent customers from buying your amazing product, simply because the package was sub-par. Go the extra mile – make it count!

What is Sourcing? Do I need it?

What is sourcing? Is it something you need to get your product onto the store shelves? The answer is simple: YES! 

Sourcing is one of the most important foundations your product is built around. It’s necessary to get your invention from the design phase or prototyping into mass production.

The purpose of Sourcing is to secure quality manufacturing and obtain deliverable cost information.

To gather this information, it’s not as easy as a Google search or a phone call. You must work with a reputable company to get the sourcing done. The information gathered while sourcing will help better the financial position of the inventor when it comes to mass production and keeping the costs down. The sourcing process is vital to the entire inventing process – lackadaisical sourcing can be the demise of your product and goals.

Once you have sourced your product successfully, you will know what your margins are and what your profit of sale could be! Need help with sourcing? Click here!

Licensing: What exactly is it? Is it for me?

When developing a new product it is important to understand the dynamics of the inventing process. We see many inventors who may not understand the proper steps or path to follow to give their product the best chance for success. It is important to keep realistic goal! It is important to know exactly where you are at in development and what can be achieved in each step,  and know how much traction you can gain towards your end goal of production.

It is important not to get ahead of yourself or the stage of development you are in, this can lead to mistakes and wasted resources. One common error new inventors make often is the expectation of a license deal early in development; this is extremely rare! I know there are companies that will contact you after you file for a patent; they sell you on the idea that they will secure a deal for your concept, that there are tons of companies they can market your product to that will take your idea do all the work, pay for everything, and all you have to do is collect a check.

This simply is not true; it is one in a million. It has been our experience that a product has to be brought through many stages of development before a company will even take a look at giving a licensing deal. Usually proven product sales are needed in order for this to happen; meaning you have spent money on the proper steps to get there, by then it may or may not be beneficial for you to take a licensing deal. You only get a small percentage of the sales.

Definition of LICENSING: Licensing means renting or leasing of an intangible asset. It is a process of creating and managing contracts between the owner of a brand and a company or individual who wants to use the brand in association with a product, for an agreed period of time, within an agreed territory.

Your best option may be manufacturing it yourself – do you really want someone else profiting on your idea?  Don’t be a victim of low-cost licensing deals. It may be the biggest mistake of your inventing career.

SUCCESS STORY: The Simple Organizer

Here’s another Success Story! This time, we are focusing on a great product: The Simple Organizer! 


The Simple Organizer is a very useful, versatile and adaptable product for your everyday organizational needs. Use The Simple Organizer in various settings including: on top of your desk, attached to the side of your computer, in the kitchen, in your bedroom, in the bathroom, in your vehicle and by your entryway. The four removable walls make The Simple Organizer able to be customized to fit your needs.

We developed this product from start to finish! It truly was an absolute success! 

Do you have an idea for a product? Call us today – 888-373-3876, extension 212!

We offer free consultations! Don’t delay – call today!


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