Shape and Bake – it’s finally here!
Fast forward to March of this year – the Shape and Bake is finished! Check it out below! (click the image to see a video)
Fast forward to March of this year – the Shape and Bake is finished! Check it out below! (click the image to see a video)
I have been working with Source Direct and Ed Mauro for over three (3) years. I am an inventor and patent attorney. Part of my association with Source Direct has been introducing many of my patent clients to Source Direct. All of them have contacted me after they worked with Source Direct and gave Source Direct great reviews. Source Direct has taken many of my clients from the inventor’s idea stage to delivering products that are ready to go in the showroom. In all of my years as an inventor and patent attorney Source Direct offers more to help an inventor than any other company I know. Source Direct has helped me develop five of my own products. They did a big part of the design work, marketing assistance and found manufacturers to supply the products. I was very happy with the products when they arrived. I will be happy to talk to anyone that has questions about Source Direct. My cell phone number is 757-615-3613. – William G. Sykes
Congratulations, Karen! We’re happy to see your brand continue to grow! 🙂
Are you an inventor with a million-dollar idea? Ready to finally live your dreams of invention success? We can help. Click here to schedule a complimentary consultation with us – you can be like Karen too!
Local Dog Trainer Seeks To Simplify Dog & Puppy Housetraining With New Product
St Peters, MO June 15, 2015 – Local dog trainer Shane Wisdom is bringing a new product to market that will make potty training puppies and dogs easier and more effective. The Gotta PottyTM system is a wireless, recordable, dog potty training alarm system that consists of a pressure activated mat equipped with a digital transmitter and a wireless handheld receiver.
The premise is simple. The Gotta Potty mat is a pressure-activated mat that you place in front of the door discretely under your existing rug in other areas that the dog might be having “accidents”. The mat features a wireless transmitter that is voice-recordable and reinforces the proper command to the dog when it cues; for instance, when the dog walks over and stands in front of the door to be let out but the owner is nowhere in sight. With the Gotta Potty mat, when the dog cues like this, the mat delivers an audible recorded message to the dog in your own voice that it will begin to equate with going outside (consistency is a key to success)
The mat transmits a separate, recordable message to the hand-held receiver to alert you that your dog is signaling to be let out. The dog hears “Gotta go outside?” (or what ever your want your command to be) in the owners voice and the owner hears “Rex is at the front door, hurry and let him out!”.
Wisdom says he created the system to reduce the time it takes to properly potty train their dogs by training owners to listen to their pet’s body language. By alerting owners to cues that are sometimes overlooked or not observed, the Gotta Potty mat gives owners a helping hand in the necessity of potty-training their dog. “Owners are constantly telling me that their dog has ruined the paint on their door from scratching to go outside,” said Wisdom. “They also said they didn’t realize their dog was at the door in time to prevent an accident, resulting in the need for more effective potty-training tactics.”
“ As I started researching, I also found out that one of the most common reasons a dog ends up in a shelter is potty-training related.” said Wisdom. “New owners quickly get frustrated with cleaning up messes and the property damage that comes with a dog that isn’t properly potty-trained. Typically, a dog that is not potty-trained has had an owner that does not understand what is required to change the behavior. The Gotta Potty system simplifies this process and delivers real benefits through today’s technology,” he continued.
System Benefits include:
The Gotta Potty system reinforces consistency, which is critical to effective dog training – Your dog hears your same recorded command every time the alarm is activated.
The wireless transmitter allows you to be anywhere in your house and still get the notification alert! The Gotta Potty system is self contained and can easily be moved to areas of concern or travel with you.
The Gotta Potty pressure activated mat conceals under any door mat or rug so it becomes virtually invisible and matches any decor!
Both the command the dog hears and the alert you hear are voice recordable. Plus, the system can be paired with an additional mat (sold separately) in order to cover two locations at once!
The company recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for the Gotta Potty system to finalize the initial production. Now, backers can reserve a Gotta Potty system at a deep discount through Kickstarter. Wisdom plans to have the product available for purchase in late summer 2015. (
Shane Wisdom is a Certified Dog trainer and owner of DogWisdom dog training with more than 17 years of experience in the pet and training industry. For more information on the Gotta Potty system, please visit
Spotlight On: Time to Brush –
About the Product: This amazing toothbrush and toothpaste caddy holds toothbrushes and different brands to suit the entire family and keep your dental appliances clean and neatly put away. Time To Brush is a complete dental station designed to teach your children proper hygiene at an early age. Good brushing habits established early can prevent gum, tooth & mouth issues later in life. Your child will relate to Bobby Brush as he shows your child a fun way to ongoing dental health. Educates children on how to brush correctly with a fun 2 minute animated audio/video that walks children through where and how long to brush each section of the mouth. Bobby Brush will teach your children to always brush properly and thoroughly for maximum clean. Includes “Why Children Need To Brush For Two Minutes” – a handy guide written by a pediatric dentist.
Testimonial from the Inventor: My name is Winston Lawer, President & Owner of The Good Habits Company located in Minneapolis MN. Ed asked if I would reach out with some feedback from our experience working with Source Direct.
I came to Ed with a product that was rather complex and involved electronics. I used to source companies in China and India on my own and decided to try Source Direct and to let Ed Mauro do all the work since he doesn’t capitalize on the project unless we generate income.
Ed worked with me along the way and fielded my questions, followed my instructions and offered feedback along the way. Things have worked out nicely on our first run with Ed and we are in the process of looking over another project we have in development and are going to have Ed source it as well.
He is a gentleman with experience and is a respectable man who knows his field. I can say this because I know from sourcing myself and my personal experience working with Ed he gets things done correctly and knows how to.
We offer free consultations! Don’t delay – call today!
SPOTLIGHT ON: Weave Scratcher,
About the Product: The Weave Scratcher™ is the first of its kind; a hair tool made especially for Women who experience one of the most common factors in wearing hair weaves, braids or wigs…THE ITCHY SCALP!
WS Products invented the Weave Scratcher™ in 2011 after surveying many women who became frustrated with the fact that there was nothing on the market that can relieve the annoying itch that comes with wearing a weave. As avid weave wearers, WS Owners already knew the common yet dangerous solutions women resulted too…patting of the head, use of a rat tail comb and bobby pins. Each resolution is quick but the ending results can be painful and eventually damaging to the scalp such as cuts, sores and at times disturbing the installation of the hair style. Knowing with continue use of these quick fixes would eventually lead to damages for all women a solution to the problem was born the Weave Scratcher™.
WS products carefully designed the Weave Scratcher™ to reflect many of the common items used but safer for the itchy scalp. A tool that is very light weight, thin like a rat tail comb with round soothing balls on a curve edge that does not come off like a bobby pin. The main concern was not only to create a tool safe for the scalp but also something that is stylish and can be used on the go. A tool small enough to carry in a wallet, clutch, purse or jacket pocket and that would be invisible to the eye while in use. This is how The Weave Scratcher™ came to be, it is “The quick fix…to relieve the ITCH!”
The Weave Scratcher™ is the first of a line of products with solutions for women that wear hair extensions. WS Products is excited about the Weave Scratcher and its outcome. It’s the #1 Itch reliever for women that wear hair extensions worldwide. Order yours today and not only will you be satisfied but YOU WILL NEVER WANT TO LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT!
Testimonial from the Inventor: “You are in good hands with Source Direct. I have nothing but good things to say about Ed Mauro and Source Direct. My experience with them have been great and very professional. They are a company that goes far beyond their call of duty and will do all that it takes to get the job done.”
We offer free consultations! Don’t delay – call today!