Browse Tag: goals

Stop Hashtagging “Hustle”: A Labor of Love

I can’t go online without seeing “#hustle” or “#hustling” painted across my social media. Apparently, my friends are “hustling” on their way to the gas station. Somehow they’re “on the grind” while seeing the latest Marvel movie or getting pizza. These terms are so overused, YOLO suddenly took a backseat.

yolo GIF

Don’t get me wrong, the positivity of motivational posts are admirable and great. But I have to wonder, if I’m seeing a person post #inspiration everywhere, what are you actually getting done? When you spend so much time getting hyped by liking/sharing motivational posts, you’re taking precious time away from actually accomplishing those goals. I think it’s time we had a heart to heart.

#1 What does it mean to hustle?

Opportunity is everywhere, with the internet creating a democracy for business. Everyone can sell, market, and post online. And that’s the problem. Everyone can sell, market, and post online. With all this white noise floating around, it’s hard to figure out what to do or who to listen to. What does it really take? Is your friend Jo actually the “biggest hustler out there” while he binge-watches all of House of Cards?

House Of Cards Success GIF by GaryVee

Let me fill you in.

It’s not about being the best. It’s about having the patience, resilience, and willingness to put in the effort. You become the best by working harder than everyone you know. Simply put, there will always be someone working harder than you. The grind is keeping up that, with everyone else, consistently. The real hustle is putting in more effort, time, and sacrifice than you could ever imagine. Starting from the beginning of your journey, it means working really, really, really hard. Weirdly enough, this is where people usually get stuck or give up entirely.

working adventure time GIF

As human beings, we’re inclined to make excuses for ourselves. Working hard becomes tiring and we and say it’s money, we can’t afford to do it. This is our biggest hurdle in our attempts to accomplish our goals.

That’s the true meaning of “hustling”. The willingness to put the effort into your dreams and not stop, for any reasons. Need to pay the bills? Keep your job and work your side-hustle during any free time. If you’re not willing to put in the effort, then you’re not ready to step up and play ball. It’s not hard, it’s long and tedious. Well I lied, it’s also really, really hard. How?

#2 The biggest secret of all

You don’t have to be great.

By Laws of Nature, if you put time and practice into learning something, you’ll eventually get good enough. Even if you’re the very worst ever at drawing, with more time and practice, you literally have to get better. It’s the by the laws of nature. No excuse, even if you mess-up royally or learn from a terrible mentor. If you adjust your sails, you have to get better over time. Time is the key word here. With time and effort, anything is possible.

Grinding 24/7 GIF by GaryVee “If you can dream it, you can do it” – Walt Disney 

I said you don’t have to be good, that doesn’t mean you have to work any less. The key is working smarter, not harder. That’s the goal and the endless mantra you should always tell yourself. Some parts will easier just as some parts become harder, like everything else. Time and effort are essential because it all comes down to :

  1.  How patient are you?
  2.  Are you willing to wait while you get better? How much effort are you willing to make time for your dream?

#3 Time Is Everything

The biggest part of the side-hustling is making the time for it, like scheduling date night. If you can eat ramen for a week to pay for that cruise, you can certainly invest in yourself. Find a job relating to your dream job or whatever your goal may be. If you can’t quit your job, work harder and gain experience elsewhere. As I stated earlier about our internet democracy, literally everything is at your disposal. Invest in online programs through recommended websites or enroll in college classes pertaining to your field. Skip the Marvel movie to accomplish anything and everything to help improve your skills in whatever your dream may be.

tim meadows mr glascott GIF by The Goldbergs

I honestly believe most people are put-off to this all when motivational speakers become too tough or use tough love. When people say “there’s no excuse” it’s not from a lack of empathy. Honesty is key, and it’s okay to admit working two or three jobs sounds impossibly hard. Working super hard isn’t the most fun lifestyle, it’s one of the myriad of reasons why independent businesses so frequently fail. Not only is it work, but it’s time. Time is the key, remember? People become discouraged when they finally gain the self-discipline to work really hard consistently and it doesn’t work out right away. That’s understandable, everyone wants instant gratification. That’s not the reality though, and it’s okay if working super hard doesn’t sound like a fun lifestyle for you. It can take months to years before you even see results, and it’s hard to handle it all yourself. The easiest way around that is to pay someone else to do it for you.

#4 Be Resourceful

You know the saying “there’s an app for that”? There’s a website somewhere ready to help you, right now. There are infinite online programs, business, or independent contractors ready to help you with anything and everything. Outsourcing has become a wonderful tool readily available to anyone because of the internet. 

Outsourcing Working Alone GIF by USource

Hire a cheap virtual assistant to save three hours in your day to read that book that will teach you what you need to know. Pay $15 to have someone do your laundry while you take that free seminar on public speaking or attend that university class that will help towards your degree. If you have more funds? More power to play with to be more efficient. There are businesses for practically anything you can think of, offering their services to help you directly. Have an invention or product that you have no idea how to make, market, or distribute? We at Source Direct make it our priority to assist people in creating and selling your dream product creation. We specialize in manufacturing and distributing and offer our services with every step of the process. We can help from the patent process to selling your dream product in stores for you.

If there’s a will, there’s certainly a way. There’s really no excuse with all of the free information available on the internet. It’s all up to you. Do you want to hashtag “hustle” your way through Netflix, or do you want to get started?

Krissy Pizzo is a writer and social media expert for Source Direct based in Palm Harbor, Fl. If you have any additional invention tips or comments, feel free to email her at

4 Most Anticipated Inventions of 2018

Who doesn’t savor that feeling of anticipation, counting down the clock for your favorite movie, music, or video game to be released? For us, our eyes are on the prize: product development. Waiting for our favorite new inventions to hit the market can feel unbearable, but 2018 is here, and we’re ready! Here are some inventions wrapped with interesting or promising discussion since announcement. Let me know if I missed anything, so I add any new product developments to future lists. In the meantime, here are some highly anticipated inventions I can’t wait to put my hands on:

4. Sleep.Ai

This product settles the classic couple’s dispute: snoring. Does your spouse say you snore, or maybe you’re not getting the sleep you need? Sleep.Ai helps diagnose the problem. Literally.

It’s alright, I’m not a morning person, either….

This wearable product comes in the form of a soft arm strap that connects to an app on your phone. Simply record your sleeping through the app, and its’ expert-built-algorithms analyze both the factors and remedies to reduce snoring. If you snore too loudly or uncomfortably, the wearable arm strap will gently vibrate, like a “soft poke”. It will not disrupt your sleep, eventually training your snoring habits over time. Do your teeth grind? They have an app for that, too!

This product is on my list because it uses invention assistance to help diagnose snoring, teeth grinding, and possible sleep apnea. National Sleep Foundation states snoring affects approximately 90 million American adults – 37 million on a regular basis. This is not only a very common struggle, but poor sleep and sleep apnea can accumulate into bigger problems in the long run.

“The partner of someone afflicted with sleep apnea loses approximately one hour of sleep per evening and may wake up as many as 21 times per hour, a side-effect of apnea known as “Spousal Arousal Syndrome

Even the partners of struggling snorers are suffering. It’s about time they received some outsider assistance. I look forward to watching Sleep.Ai’s effectiveness in helping not only the user, but relationships as well.


3. HoverBike

I know, it’s disappointing, we were all looking forward to jet-packs in the future. We may be lacking in that regard, but hopefully the Malloy Aeronautics revolutionary HoverBike can remedy this dilemma. This diverse tool can lift it all. It’s most current build allows transporting up to 300 lbs of food, aid, equipment, or most importantly, people! Welcome to the future.


The design is backed by research conducted at the US Army research labs.  This vehicle can lift 130kg (300lb) just like a helicopter, can fly to the same speed and height as a typical light helicopter, but unlike a helicopter it can operate safely close to the ground and around people, and can be done so, with little or no training.

This English based team has already signed a contract with the US Army granting them full collaboration with their research laboratory. With the help from SURVICE Engineering and only 2 mysterious Angel investors, they’ve basically created a user-friendly helicopter bike. 2018 doesn’t get any cooler than that.


HoverBike’s easy to learn, easy to use features make this invention market friendly. That combined with it’s sheer strength and power based off a helicopter makes the HoverBike stand out from any similar prototype of the past. Its’ patent is currently pending, but they anticipate this product to enter the market by the end of the year. We may not have jet-packs, but we’ll have the HoverBike.


2. Canute Braile e-reader

Bristol Braille took due diligence working closely with the blind community and for the blind community when creating this special e-reader. Nooks and kindles are integrated into our society at an affordable price, and Bristle Braille took the initiative to accomplished this feat for the blind community.

This pristine new braille e-reader holds thousands of e-book files easily accessible by its interactive user interface. Canute introduces the first “multi-line” technology, in comparison to the single-lined machine standard. Multi lines are incredibly important because they give greater interpretation of context to subjects such as science, mathematics, music notation, and even poetry.

“The foundation of Center for Braille Innovation was to be the broker around the world and find what new technologies we can leverage to really support braille, e-braille as well’

says Brian MacDonald, president of the National Braille Press, a contributing organization to the Braillists community. He continues,

“I have to give credit to two guys…two doctoral students at MIT from India. They went to a school for the blind there and saw that these kids were struggling to just measure inch marks…just struggling”

The Bristol Braille community works with the Braillists, in addition to other organizations, in the research and creation of the Canute. If it sounds like a lot of organizations and groups came together to work on this, it’s because they did.

Bristol Braille Canute is expected for release by Spring of 2018 and is available for pre-order now.



1. Pilot Translating Earpiece

After closely watching every step of this product’s development, this invention makes top of the list, no question about it. I believe Pilot to be the most exciting, and potentially, the most influential of all. What’s greater than breaking barriers, in real time? Everything from their design, product development, online marketing, and user-friendly interface makes this the most anticipated product of the year for me.


Pilot’s earpiece provides universal audio translation from one earbud to another, in real time. Essentially, you can speak to your friend in your native language, and they will hear theirs. CEO of Waverly Labs, Andrew Ochoa, initially came up with this world changing idea when he simply met a French girl. He felt frustrated by his inability to communicate with her, all efforts to use translating apps to no avail. He recalls the experience to be horrible, and I can understand why. Having phones up, in our face, takes away the human connection of speaking with someone. The goal of the Pilot Translating Earpiece was to take us back into the real world, phones down, connecting with another human being.


It’s easy to see how the function of the invention is invaluable, but what separates Pilot from other tech doesn’t stop there. With electric product development, every minute detail makes a difference. I find all of Pilot’s aesthetics to be visually satisfying in every category to hit. Their logo is smooth and original, the headphones come in three polished colors, and even their websites graphics are super. The headphone’s sleek design is almost reminiscent to Apple’s AirPods with it’s clean and slender design. Even the small holding case screams of the stylistic modern tech design, and it works.

Pilot translating earpiece is scheduled for Spring of 2018.


If you’re now looking forward to the release of any of these exciting products please like, share, and subscribe with your friends. I have so much more I look forward sharing with you on future releases, tips, and general inquires about the inventing community.

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New Years Resolutions and Goals for Inventing

Welcome to 2016 – it’s time to start writing out your goals and aspirations for the year! Here’s a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Set Realistic Timelines: If you are starting your product from scratch, just know that it is going to take time. Depending on where you are in the inventing process, the time allotted will be varied.
  • Know What You Want Before You Plan: This is a common mistake – you have to plan for the goals you want to achieve. Yes, things will come up along the way, but you need to be solid with your ideas and mission before you start planning.
  • Handle Speed-bumps with Grace: Issues will come up. Problems will likely arise during the inventing process. That’s OKAY! When those speed-bumps happen, don’t get overwhelmed. There is help out there, for you. Never let anyone tell you that you have run out of options.
  • Be Okay With Change: You may figure out a new way to innovate, finances may change, product details may change – it happens! If change is the best scenario for your product, you’ll know. Many products go through 4+ revisions during the initial design phase – don’t let it scare you.

Throughout 2016, we will provide more tips and strategies to keep your product development moving smoothly. Check out our other blogs today!


In 2014, did you follow through with all of your New Year’s Resolutions? Here are some interesting statistics when it comes to New Years Resolutions (courtesy of


New Years Resolution Statistics Data
Percent of Americans who usually make New Year’s Resolutions 45%
Percent of Americans who infrequently make New Year’s Resolutions 17%
Percent of Americans who absolutlely never make New Year’s Resolutions 38%
Percent of people who are successful in achieving their resolution 8% – WOW!

It can be concluded based on the data above that it’s pretty tough to hold on to your New Years Resolutions. As an inventor, was it a goal to create your first product prototype? Or maybe to design your packaging? Inventions can take lots of time, and goal setting is incredibly important. Here  are a few tips to keep in mind if developing your product will be a New Years Resolution in 2015:

  • Set realistic goals. Most benchmark time-frames fail because of improper planning. Know how long a certain goal will take, and plan accordingly.
  • Stick to your timeline. If you stray from the allotted time, it will make your vision harder to achieve.
  • Consult a professional if you aren’t hitting your goals and moving backward instead of forward.
  • Be sure that you are satisfied with your idea before setting goals and timelines. Back-tracking is detrimental to your product success if it’s on a deadline.

Would you like some assistance in setting goals and preparing your invention for 2015? Our experts at Source Direct would love to hear from you. Give us a call today at 888-373-3876, extension 212. Consultations are always free.

Start planning for 2015 now! Get your invention on shelves before the next busy season!